Photo of Casper College student in the early childhood education program working with children.

Visual Arts Department

  • Join a half-century tradition of opportunity and excellence in art at Casper College.
  • The new Visual Art Center will enhance your experience with more room and a state-of-the-art learning environment where every detail was designed with you in mind.
  • Take advantage of our small class sizes and highly qualified instructors that are dedicated to expanding your imagination and deepening your personal talents.

What are the features of Casper’s program?

Visual Arts students gain the ability to think and work imaginatively to better meet the challenges of contemporary society, as well as deepen their personal aesthetic understanding. The environment in the Visual Arts Center is always lively and very conducive to creative growth and intellectual change.

Graduates of the Visual Arts Department with Associate of Fine Art studio degrees will have a basic understanding of drawing, two and three-dimensional design and media and a basic understanding of the history of art. Graduates of an Associate of Arts degree in Art will have an overview of studio foundations and art history. Graduates of the Associate of Arts Museum/Gallery Studies degree will have an understanding of basic operations of a museum or gallery and an overview of the history and changing role of these facilities in society.

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“Working as a teacher at CC has been a dream job for me. I love being in the classroom sharing and playing with my students. So cliché, I know, but it’s the truth.”

— Mike Olson, ceramics instructor

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  The Visual Art Department’s Instagram

Find the right program for you

Associate of Arts degrees

  • Art – For the student who is a developing artist looking for employment in creative fields, or planning on continuing their education beyond the two-year level
  • Museum/Gallery Studies – For the student who is looking for the knowledge and experience needed to pursue a career as a museum or gallery professional

Associate of Fine Arts degrees

  • Art Education – For the student with a strong interest in visual art and a desire to teach at the elementary or secondary level
  • Fine Art – Explore your interests in art history, drawing, photograph, painting, sculpture, and printmaking
  • Graphic Design – For the student who plans on a career in graphic design blending the use of typography, color, and other visual elements to communicate a message.
  • Photography – For the student who wants to use photography as a creative medium for communicating through visual images


NASAD (National Association of Schools of Art and Design)

Casper College is an accredited institutional member for the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). To learn more about NASAD, please visit their website at