High School Equivalency Testing

There are two avenues in Wyoming for the

High School Equivalency Certificate

Testing for either avenue is done at the Casper College Testing Center.

What is the HiSET?

The High School Equivalency Test by ETS is a battery of 5 exams which determines your eligibility for the Wyoming High School Equivalency Certificate. Register with the Adult Learning Center to prepare for the exams. The five exams cover the subjects of  Science, Social Studies, Reading, Writing, and Math. The costs for these exams are paid through a BOCES grant.

What is the GED® Program?

MyGED™ is the online portal to sign up, study, schedule exams, check scores, and learn about jobs and college. Sign up for MyGED™ at www.GED.com.

The GED® test has four parts: Science, Social Studies, Reasoning Through Language Arts, and Math. You will pay when you make your appointments online.

Free practice tests and information are available for any Wyoming library card holder through the Wyoming library system.

Wyoming High School Equivalency Certificates are issued by the Wyoming  High School Equivalency Certification Program at 307-777-7763. 

Contact Us

Phone: 307-268-3850


Fax: 307-268-2080

Located in the Thorson Business Building room  BU120

Debra Kuhn

Testing Coordinator

Sarah Grayson

Testing Specialist

Meagan Vreeman

Testing Specialist

Leslie LeClair

Testing Specialist