School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

What does your future look like? Do you see yourself becoming a teacher? Police officer? Paralegal? Social worker? Politician?
Many students in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences earn their associate degree at Casper College and then transfer to a four-year institution. Some of this through Casper College’s University Partnerships Program, which offers bachelor’s, master’s, and even doctoral degrees through 15 partner universities. Many also transfer to the University of Wyoming at Casper, located in the Casper College Student Union and University of Wyoming Building.
Unique opportunities for students in the School of Social and Behavior Sciences:
- Foreign Relations — join the Casper Committee on Foreign Relations; attend bimonthly dinners with speakers; participate in a trip to Washington D.C.
- Environmental Sociology — Trip to Teton Science School.
- Diversity in Education (EDCI 2250) — Service learning trips from Pine Lodge, Wyoming, to Belize.
- Criminal Justice — Trip to Denver to tour crime lab and ridealongs with the Denver Police Department; Supreme Court justices visit Casper.
- Forensics — Compete in forensics tournaments, where the national event has been held in such places as Cleveland, Ohio, and Denver, Colorado, and the international event has been held in Barcelona, Spain; and Paris, France.
- Paralegal — Mock trial with St. Anthony’s fifth-grade class.
Degree and certificate programs

Talking T-Birds bring home tournament championship
The Casper College Talking T-Birds won the tournament championship title at the James “Al” Johnson and Mike Edmonds Speech and Debate Tournament

Talkin’ T-Birds start debate season with notable wins in Idaho
Members of the Casper College Talkin' T-Birds Forensic Team. Front row, l-r: Allie Giliatt (Powell), Cass Baedke (Casper), Jack Cochran (Casper), Stephanie Mata (Pinedale), Ivey Goff (Thermopolis), and Nina Bivens (Rapid City, South Dakota), Back row, l-r: Davin Ro...

Casper College seminar to guide participants toward a thriving life
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