Public Records Requests

Wyoming enacted the Wyoming Public Records Act(W.S. §16-4-201 through 16-4-205) in order to allow the public access to public records with some exceptions. The Act defines public records as “any information in a physical form created, accepted, or obtained by the state or any agency, institution or political subdivision of the state in furtherance of its official function and transaction of public business which is not privileged or confidential by law.”

Casper College is subject to the Wyoming Public Records Act and will fully comply with all the provisions and requirements of the Act. The following outlines the process for requesting public records including any fees that may be charged related to a request.


Process for requesting public records of Casper College:
  1. Complete the online records request form.
    1. All records requests will be sent to the Vice President of Administrative Services.
  2. Casper College will notify the requestor within seven (7) business days that it has received the request unless good cause exists preventing a response within that time frame.
  3. The college will respond within a reasonable time to requests for public records. Broad requests will naturally take more time to review.
  4. The college may deny a request or withhold records based on any legal grounds for exemption or withholding of records in whole or in part. The college will include its reason or reasons for the denial under the Wyoming Public Records Act.
  1. Requests where the college is asked to create a list, spreadsheet, or database in hard copy or in electronic form.
    1. Set-up fee: $300
    2. Phone fee: $25
    3. Fee per selection (emails, majors, etc.): $50
  2. Hard copy requests over 50 pages: $0.10 per page over 50 pages.
  3. All other requests will not be charged a fee.