Casper College paramedic simulation training.

Emergency Medical Services – Paramedicine

A paramedic is the highest level of EMS providers. Paramedics are often one of the first to arrive at an emergency scene and are specially trained to provide emergency care and transport to patients.

The paramedic is an allied health professional with a goal and focus to provide high-quality basic and advanced life support and care for all patients. Paramedics will maintain patient care while patients are being transported to a definitive care destination.

What are the features of Casper’s program?

The Paramedic Technology Program at Casper College is health science-based. Upon successful completion, you are eligible to sit for the National Registry of EMT’s cognitive and psychomotor exams. Following completion of cognitive and psychomotor exams, candidates are eligible to work in all states that accept the National Registry Certification.

Current program faculty include providers with years of experience in various delivery models, including private service, fire-based transport, nontransport, and critical care ground and flight.

How long does it take to complete this program?

This course is currently two years or four traditional semesters. Students will spend over 1,400 hours learning between didactics and clinical rotations. Students focus on various topics, including but not limited to abnormal physiology of diseases, in-depth pharmacology, and medical and/or traumatic emergencies.

What can I do with this major?

Employment info

Following completion of the paramedic registry cognitive and/or psychomotor exam, professionals have numerous opportunities for employment, including but not limited to primary EMS, fire service roles, or working within a hospital. Most students enjoy working within Wyoming; however, professionals are able to work nationally.

Paramedic wages vary vastly by state. Please see the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for the most up-to-date wage information regarding paramedics.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

  • As a reminder, students must apply to Casper College as degree-seeking or nondegree-seeking students.
  • Candidates will need to apply to the paramedic course.
  • Candidates will need a current EMT or AEM National Registry Certification that does not expire during the course.
  • Candidates will need to obtain Wyoming State Certification as an EMT, AEMT, or IEMT.
  • Candidates will need to provide a current AHA BLS Provider card that does not expire during the course.
  • Instructor permission and/or approval is required for this course.
  • While it is not required, completing some general education courses before joining the Paramedic Program is recommended.*
  • Any student considering and/or selected for any EMS Course is required to submit and pass a background check. This will be discussed in detail within the first week of your course.

How many students are selected per program course?

  • Twelve students will be selected per paramedic program.
  • A minimum of 10 students must be registered one week before the start of courses in order to run this course.

Is there an Advanced Placement Option?

  • Yes!
    • Advanced placement is offered to Wyoming Intermediates with one to two years of experience working in a high-volume system. Advanced placement must meet the following criteria:
      • As a reminder, students must apply to Casper College as degree-seeking or nondegree-seeking students.
      • Candidates will need to apply to the paramedic course.
      • Candidates will need a current Wyoming State Intermediate Certification that does not expire through the course.
      • Candidates will need to provide a current AHA BLS Provider card that does not expire during the course.
      • Candidates will need to provide a current AHA ACLS Provider card that does not expire during the course.
      • Candidates will need to provide a current AHA PALS Provider card that does not expire during the course.
      • Instructor permission and/or approval is required for this course.
      • While it is not required, completing some general education courses before joining the Paramedic Program is recommended.*
    • Advanced placement students will join the paramedic program in the fall semester of the second year, PTEP 2900.
    • The number of advanced placement students accepted is directly related to clinical availability.

Advanced Placement Experiential Learning Policy

  • If a student is granted advanced placement into the Paramedic Program, they will be awarded credit for the first two (2) semesters of Paramedic school.
  • The program director will email the Records Office with your Wyoming Intermediate, BLS, ACLS, and PALS cards under the subject Credit Posted Request. Credit will then be posted to the student’s official transcript and counted toward credit earned for their degree.
  • Students are still required to complete the minimum institution requirements to receive a degree which are:
    • Earn at least 15 of the semester credits applied toward graduation through the completion of Casper College coursework
    • A minimum of six (6) hours of coursework for the desired major will be completed at Casper College

How do I get into Paramedic School?

  • Candidates may apply to the Casper College Paramedic Technology Program after they have applied to and been accepted to Casper College. To be successful in your application, students must complete the online application, an interview, and a skills assessment.

What courses would I take?

Why get an associate degree?

The National EMS Management Association, NEMSMA; the National Association of EMS Educators, NAEMSE; and the International Association of Flight and Critical Care Paramedics, IAFCCP, released a joint position paper on the importance of getting your associate degree:

“… the time has come for paramedicine to join the community of health professions that require a college degree. We believe that a two-year associate degree is the appropriate entry level of education for practitioners at the current paramedic level. In addition, we believe that paramedics involved in specialized practice, such as flight paramedics and community paramedics, among others, should be required to complete upper-level undergraduate coursework up to and including a bachelor’s degree as a prerequisite to specialty certification. These requirements should apply to paramedics entering our profession, and we recommend the EMS community within the United States enact such requirements by 2025.”

Accreditation details

The Casper College Paramedic Technology Education Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs,, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions, CoAEMSP.

To contact CAAHEP: Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, 1361 Park Street, Clearwater, FL 33756; 727-210-2350;

To contact CoAEMSP: Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions, 8301 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 111-312, Rowlett, TX 75088; 214-703-8445, phone; 214-703-8992, fax;


CAAHEP Accredited Paramedic Programs and CoAEMSP Letter of Review Programs track and report outcome measures annually to the Committee on Accreditation for the Emergency Medical Services Professions, CoAEMSP.

The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report was for the calendar year 2023.

The most recent success rate for the Paramedic National Registry/State Cognitive exam was 75%.

The most recent positive placement rate for graduates was 100%. The CoAEMSP defines positive placement as “Employed full or part-time in a related field and/or continuing his/her education and/or serving in the military.” Positive placement is measured at the completion of the program.

The most recent retention rate was a combined 55.6%.

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Contact Info

Lupe Kerr

Academic Assistant, School of Health Science

Sandy Bruning

EMS Program Director

Dino Madsen

Dean, School of Health Science