Student in front of a row of computers at Casper College.

Computer Science

Computer science is the study and development of computer technology. Computer programming is a skill set that is highly demanded, with excellent employment opportunities.

Today’s marketplace provides multiple avenues for a career employee computer science abilities. Careers in game development, app creation, web app design, software engineering, information assurance, and cryptography are a few examples. A computer science degree is the gateway program to these careers, with good reason, as it provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals that comprise heart of computing. The possibilities are limitless as each student progresses through this challenging program of study.

What are the features of Casper’s program?

Casper College’s computer science associate degree is a strong stepping stone toward a bachelor’s degree at universities across the globe. The curriculum closely follows the University of Wyoming’s curriculum. The majority of classes are typical of the required classes for most four-year schools across the United States.

What can I do with this major?

Attending your dream university starts right here at Casper College

A transfer agreement is available for this degree. Students who choose CC for their first two years of college are prepared to transfer and complete their degrees in a variety of locations across the globe. Learn how students can earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a doctorate through one of our university partnerships with institutions of higher education across the nation.

Employment info

Learn more about the general occupational profile for application and software developers, wage ranges for those employed in Wyoming and nationally, and the national average entry-level salary.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

There are no prerequisites for this program.

What courses would I take?

For requirements and more information about this program, view its listing in the academic catalog:

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Computer Science Endorsement for K-12 Educators

Casper College, Department of Computer Science introduces the criteria needed for completion of a Computer Science Endorsement.  Two endorsement tracks are available; one designed for grades K-8 instruction, and one that is designed for grades, 6-12.  These endorsements are provided for faculty in the public school system seeking to expand their current skill set.

Contact Info

Julie Hansen

Academic Assistant, School of Science

Jacob (Jake) McIntyre

Academic Chair; Mathematics Instructor

Jeff Sun

Dean, School of Science