Close up of someone holding and using an electronic tablet while standing in a corn field

Online Agribusiness Degrees

The future of agriculture depends on smart business leaders.

We recognize that it is just as important to produce alert and well-informed citizens as it is to train competent farmers and ranchers.

What are the features and benefits of an online degree from CC?

Excellent and friendly faculty that focus on your individual education and success.

  • You will be assigned an academic advisor, who also teaches your core classes. You and your advisor will discuss your goals, background, and current schedule (i.e. work, family) and develop a degree plan centered around you.

Receive the same high-quality education as you would on-campus.

  • Almost every class offered online is also taught on-campus in Casper and by the same instructors, who are only a phone call or an email away.

Award-winning faculty:

  • Todd Jones, Wyoming Distance Educator of the Year
  • Dr. Jeremy Burkett, Rosenthal Outstanding Educator of the Year and three-time Phi Theta Kappa Learning Coach of the Year

Which associate degree is right for you? A.S. or A.A.S.?

Casper College offers two different online degree paths for agribusiness. Regardless of the path you choose, you will also study topics such as economics (as it relates to agriculture), proper record keeping, accounting, management, agricultural marketing, animal science, and soil science.

The Associate of Science (A.S.) degree is for students who plan to transfer to a four-year school to continue their studies toward a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness. This path provides more general education classes besides the required agricultural classes.

The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree is for students who do not plan to transfer to a four-year school. With this degree, you will not take as many general education courses, but rather you will focus on practical and agricultural courses to help you succeed in your career.

About the online learning environment

Casper College uses a learning management system, called MyCCMoodle, for all its online courses. Course syllabus, calendar of activities, resources, assignments and quizzes, discussions, and grades can be accessed through MyCCMoodle. Learn more about getting started online.

The layout of each class will vary, depending on the instructor. Some may follow a “work at your own pace” method, while others assign work with with weekly due dates. Regardless, the online general agriculture program will follow Casper College’s academic year schedule, with classes held during the fall and spring semesters, and an optional summer semester.


How many classes will I take each semester?

The amount of classes that you take each semester is your choice.

To be a full-time student, you need to be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours (approximately four classes) each semester, but we suggest you take 15 to 17 credits each semester if you wish to graduate in two years, or four semesters.

Many online students have careers, families, and lives elsewhere. Some students may only take two or three classes each semester, while others may take four or five. If this is the case for you, we work to understand your needs and your time, and develop a custom degree path that is right for you.

Do I need books?

That depends on the class; some will require a book, but some will not.

What do I need in terms of computers, software, etc.?

You will need access to a computer and a good Internet connection.

What can I do with this major?

Opportunities after graduation from Casper College:

  • Casper College classes have a high transferability rate that will allow you to continue your education at one of many four-year institutions across the country. For example:
    • Casper College has a partnership with ​Colorado State University. After completing your associate degree, you can earn an online bachelor’s degree in agribusiness from CSU.
    • If you are transferring to the University of Wyoming, you can expect to graduate in no more than two years with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business.​​
  • The agribusiness program is one of the most popular ag programs at Casper College; we have a high rate of graduates who find employment after graduation.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

There are no pre-reqs for this program.

What courses would I take?

For requirements and more information about this program, view its listings in the academic catalog:

Steps to starting an online degree program at CC

  1. Apply for admission as a first-time or transfer student (same process for on-campus and online students).
  2. Apply for financial aid, including grants, loans and scholarships.
  3. Make an appointment with an advisor and register for classes. A phone call advising appointment is what most online students do. Meeting your advisor in-person at Casper College is also an option if you live nearby and it works for your schedule.
  4. Go through the online orientation module (1-3 hours).
  5. Begin classes!

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Visit the main agribusiness program page.

Learn more about getting started online.

Contact Info

Julie Hansen

Academic Assistant, School of Science

Heath Hornecker

Department Chair; Agriculture Instructor

Jeff Sun

Dean, School of Science