Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D., 2023 Grosz Lecture Series speaker
Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D., will be the speaker for the 2023 Grosz Health Science Lecture series.
Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D., will be the speaker for the 2023 Grosz Health Science Lecture series.
“COVID-19: The Science Behind Addressing a Global Pandemic” is the topic for the 2022 Grosz Health Science Lecture Series Friday, Feb. 18.
The Casper College Health Science Simulation Center has been reaccredited by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. The reaccreditation is valid through Dec. 31, 2026.
John J. Nance, one of the National Patient Safety Foundation founders, will be the speaker for this year’s Casper College Grosz Lecture Series.
Seven Casper College faculty were recently tenured. Except for one instructor who began her career at Casper College in 2016, the others all started in August of 2017.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Center at Casper College has teamed up with the Occupational Therapy Assistants’ Club at Casper College to help seniors connect with technology.
Casper College was named the ninth-best community college in the United States in a recent study conducted by the personal finance outlet WalletHub.com.
Casper College officials have released the names of the summer and fall 2019 semester graduates and the spring 2020 semester graduates.
The Casper College Respiratory Therapy program, for the fifth year in a row, has been chosen by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care to receive the Distinguished RRT (registered respiratory therapist) Credentialing Success Award.
For those who have never really tried online classes, it can be a bit of a learning curve to get into the swing of things. But, never fear, we have some tips to help you navigate through this temporary “new normal.”