Applications now open for KEY Camp at Casper College

By: Lisa S. Icenogle
Image for KEY Camp registration press release.

Applications are now open for Casper College’s popular KEY Camp. Two camp sessions, each lasting six days, will be held this year: June 8-13 and June 15-20. The camp is open to students entering the sixth, seventh, or eighth grade in the fall of 2025.

“Knowledge Enrichment for Youth — KEY — builds a foundation for lifelong learning, aids students in reaching their full potential, and equips them for the future,” said Brittney Good, community education program coordinator.

KEY Camp offers students an immersive college life experience as they participate in hands-on learning and evening activities focused on building lifelong friendships. “We are excited to bring back popular classes like CSI while offering new additions,” Good said.

The cost to attend KEY Camp is $660, but scholarships are available, according to Good. All campers stay in the secured Casper College Residence Hall, and qualified instructors, counselors, and a nurse facilitate the college campus experience and extracurricular activities.

The application deadline for KEY Camp is Friday, March 28. A teacher recommendation is required, and enrollment is limited. Only completed online applications will be considered and accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the program is full.

For more information, contact the community education office at 307-268-3401 or Apply online here.

Media contact: Lisa S. Icenogle

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