Graduating CC nurses present Nursing Showcase Nov. 19

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute — OLLI at Casper College — along with the Casper College H.E. Stuckenhoff Nursing Department, hosts “Nursing Showcase: Support Future Nurses” on Tuesday, Nov. 19, in the Chapman Lobby on the second floor of the Walter H. Nolte Gateway Center. The showcase is free and open to the public and will be held from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
A variety of topics will be discussed, including “Hypertension Prevention” presented by nursing students Cole Davies, Maria Diaz-Hernandez, and Lauren Profaizer; “Obesity Impacts on Health” by Riley Fowler, Ashley Licursi, and Natasha Slack; “Nursing Ratios Impact Patient Outcomes” with Nathaniel Sausedo, Makenzie Snow, and Virginia Voigt; “Nutrition and the Elderly” presented by Hannah Bailey, Jacoby Johnson, and Brittany Vaughn; “Exercise Impacts on Heart Disease” with Raven DuQuette, Macey Parmely, and Hope Weddle; “Nutrition for Children and Families” with Traci Cureton, Nycole Gomez, and Laura McKeel; “Suicide in Wyoming” presented by Tyler Davis, Merav Oshri, and Jenna Palinek; and “Vaccine Education” presented by Krista Helm, Danae Speth, and Kelsi Sweet.
“I’m excited for OLLI members and the general public to meet and support their future nursing caregivers by attending this capstone project presentation. Our nursing students are bright shining stars,” said Heidi Loucks, nursing educator. “The topics our students have chosen are interesting and relevant to professionals and the general public,” she noted.
Many nursing students will continue their education beyond Casper College, studying for their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The group research projects allow each student to work in a team. Working on a team is an essential skill for all health care providers. In addition, while researching their topic of interest, each student is provided with the background needed to successfully write the many papers they will be required to write as they work on additional degrees and certifications.
The Nolte Gateway Center is located on the Casper College campus. For more information, contact Jena Stute, OLLI coordinator, at 307-268-2097 or