October classes offer tennis, Japanese storytelling, wood burning, salsa, chickens, and more

By: Lisa S. Icenogle
Love to Learn Image for continuing education release.

Community Education at Casper College offers a variety of fun and unique classes for October.

“Don’t miss the chance to enrich your life and begin your lifelong learning adventure. Whether you want to pick up a new hobby, sharpen your skills, or connect with new people, we have something for everyone,” said Zhanna Gallegos, community education coordinator at Casper College.

“Beginning Tennis” is first up for October offerings. The class will help all participants stay fit and healthy with tennis, a lifetime sport. Taught by 40-year veteran coach Doug Williams, students will participate in drills and games to reinforce the lessons. The class begins on Wednesday, Oct. 2, and then runs Mondays and Wednesdays through Oct. 28.

Acclaimed performer Yasu Ishida blends cultural heritage and artistry to create captivating experiences. Students will gain insights into his touring career and get an exclusive glimpse into his upcoming ARTCORE performance with Tony and Lance, which will fuse traditional Japanese music, storytelling, and origami. The performance and talk on Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 6 to 7 p.m. is offered in partnership with ARTCORE.

Explore the art of woodburning in “Wood Burning Beyond the Basics,” taught by Nova Simons. During this class, participants will hone their woodburning skills and complete a project from start to finish. The instructor will provide select supplies, but students should bring their own woodburning unit. This class is for those with basic woodburning experience. The class will take place on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

It’s time to salsa. Join us for a night of fun and dance with “Salsa Date Night.” Students will learn basic steps, including simple turns. Enjoy salsa dancing and savor hors d’oeuvres and refreshments together. Register with a partner, a friend, or a family member. “Salsa Date Night” is a no-alcohol event, and each participant must register and pay for the class. Registration deadline is Friday, Oct. 11. “Salsa Date Night” will occur on Friday, Oct. 18, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Raising chickens and ducks has become a popular pursuit, and if you are thinking about becoming a hobbyist in this fascinating area, be sure to sign up for “Backyard Chickens and Ducks.” Instructor Lucinda Canchola will teach the fundamentals of keeping and nurturing these lively birds, covering everything from shelter and feeding to local regulations and zoning requirements, according to Gallegos. The class is from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Finally, if you have wondered what the popular game Dungeons and Dragons is about, the “Discover Dungeons and Dragons” class is for you. Instructor Dustin Arellano will help students dive into creating and advancing characters using an introductory 5e D&D module. According to Arellano, students will also explore D&D tips for role-playing, backstory development, and story arc creation in a “session zero” as they learn the basics of being a game master. The instructor will provide all supplies for this class to take place on Mondays, Oct. 28 through Nov. 25, from 6-8 p.m.

Community education offers noncredit courses for personal enrichment and lifelong learning for people 16 and older. To sign up or learn more about personal enrichment workshops and classes offered for the rest of 2024, visit caspercollege.augusoft.net or call 307-268-3401.

Media contact: Lisa S. Icenogle

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