NBRC provides funds for scholarships

By: Lisa S. Icenogle
Image for CC Foundation News.

The National Board of Respiratory Care has created a scholarship with the Casper College Foundation. So far, the NBRC has provided $5,000 for 2023 and another $10,000 in 2024.

According to Ann Dalton, associate director of developmental and alumni engagement for the Casper College Foundation and Alumni Association, the first $5,000 was awarded as scholarships to four respiratory therapy students for the 2023 spring semester. The most recent donation was awarded to eight respiratory therapy students for the 2024-2025 school year.

In addition to being a current respiratory therapy student, the recipient was required to have a 2.0 GPA. The student could be full-time or part-time and need is not a factor.

To apply for this and other Casper College scholarships, go here.

Media contact: Lisa S. Icenogle

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