Multifaceted group to serve on important presidential search committee
The behind-the-scenes work necessary for Casper College’s presidential search has resulted in naming a multifaceted group of people to serve on the presidential search committee.
Those selected from Casper College include Dave Applegate, vice chair of the board of trustees; Kathy Dolan, board trustee; Steve Degenfelder, chair of the board of trustees; Rhonda Franzen, director of human resources; Amanda Nelson, chair of the faculty alliance; Falon Cole, chair of the staff alliance; Sara Pederson, chair of the administrative alliance; Shani Osorio-Acala, president of the student senate; and Rachel Chadderdon, dean of the School of Business and Industry and Workforce Services.
Members selected from the community include the Honorable W. Thomas Sullins, board member, Casper College Foundation; Ryan Hieb, president, Casper College Alumni Association; Lance Porter, CEO, Banner Wyoming Medical Center; Bill DeGraeve, director of drilling, True Companies; and Aaron Wilson, principal, Natrona County School District.
“The board,” said Degenfelder, “expresses its deepest gratitude to those who have agreed to serve.”
Angela Provart, president of Casper College’s search consultant, the Pauly Group, will visit the college on October 15, 22, and 23 to hear from groups of people about what is needed in the next president of Casper College. According to Degenfelder, the full schedule will be announced within the next week, and the first search committee meeting will occur sometime during the above dates.