Hawley to talk on dino skin reconstruction

Tate Geological Museum Education Specialist Russell Hawley will present “Give Me Some Skin: The Art and Science of Reconstructing Texture and Color in Dinosaurs.” On Tuesday, Sept. 19. Hawley’s presentation, which is free and open to all, will begin at 7 p.m. in the Tate Geological Museum.
Hawley graduated from the University of Colorado in 1991 with a degree in fine art. His artwork has appeared in America’s Smithsonian anniversary traveling exhibition, in “Islands in the Cosmos: The Evolution of Life on Land” by Dale A. Russell, Ph.D., in “Oceans of Kansas” by Michael Everhart, and in several issues of Prehistoric Times magazine. As the Tate’s educational specialist, Hawley also gives tours, writes articles for the museum newsletter, and produces illustrations for the museum displays.
The Tate Geological Museum is located on the southern end of the Casper College campus; look for the life-sized T.rex bronze near the Tate.