Diorama building workshop May Saturday Club event

An opportunity for children ages 7-14 to build their own diorama will be offered at the Tate Geological Museum’s Saturday Club on May 6 from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
“Just as museum designers plan and construct full-sized dioramas to depict scenes from the ancient past, we will be working together to create our own miniature dioramas of life in the Dinosaur Age,” said Russell Hawley, education specialist. According to Hawley, participants will use a small box, such as a tissue or shoe box, to create their own miniature dioramas of life in the age of dinosaurs.
“Cardboard and small stones can be used to create a rugged-looking landscape, then moss and twigs can be used to construct plants and trees,” said Hawley. Finally, students will add in some dinosaurs, … “either ready-made plastic models or, for the more adventurous students, hand-made dinosaurs sculpted from plasticine,” Hawley added.
Saturday Club is free and open to children ages 7-14 and runs from 10:30-11:30 a.m. The Tate Geological Museum is located on the southern end of the Casper College campus; look for the life-sized T.rex bronze near the Tate or call the museum at 307-268-2447.