Info session set for Nova Scotia Trip

An informal information session for a trip to Nova Scotia and the Canadian Maritimes will be held on Friday, Jan. 27, at 2 p.m. in the Walter H. Nolte Gateway Center, Room 312.
This trip will mark the second for the Casper College Alumni Association. “We had such a great time in Italy last year, we wanted to plan another trip to cultivate relationships and visit new and amazing countries,” said Ann Dalton, associate director of development and alumni engagement.
The trip will take place August 12-19, 2023, for nine days. The trip includes roundtrip airfare, eight breakfasts and four dinners, a professional tour director, motorcoach transportation, hotel transfers, admissions per itinerary, sightseeing per itinerary, and baggage handling at hotels. There is a booking discount of $100 per person for the double occupancy rate of $4,895, making the cost $4,795 per person.
Highlights include stays at Halifax/Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; Baddeck, Nova Scotia; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; and Moncton, New Brunswick. The trip will be a mix of sightseeing and free time so participants can explore on their own.
The information session is free and open to all. For more information, contact Dalton at 307-268-2325 or
The Nolte Gateway Center is located on the Casper College campus.