CC seeks presenters for 33rd Annual Wellness Conference

The 33rd Annual Casper College Wellness Conference is asking members of the Wyoming prevention, treatment, and therapeutic communities to share their knowledge during the conference on March 30-31, 2023, at the college.
“We invite professionals to share the ideas and strategies that have worked for them in facilitating change and encouraging wellness with individuals, groups, families, and communities,” said Erin Ford, director of counseling. Presentations running 80 minutes will take place on the first day of the conference, while the second day will feature two half-day presentations specifically for mental health professionals.
Suggestions from past conference participants included the following topics: autism; addiction issues, especially with gambling and porn/sex; loneliness; adverse childhood experiences and how to heal the effects; anxiety, including control issues with other people or oneself and solutions for fear and anxiety; family therapy; holistic and nontraditional aids in wellness; impostor syndrome; psychopharmacology; self-care, including self-compassion and self-esteem; suicide prevention planning and policies for the workplace; trauma; working with the senior community, including access to health care, dementia, and depression; and working with Indigenous persons, LGBTQ populations, or veterans.
“If there is something a potential presenter wants to learn about or a topic they have requested, they should consider researching it and presenting it themselves. Our audience is always very presenter-friendly and encouraging, and presenters do not need to feel limited to suggested topics,” noted Ford.
The deadline for turning in proposals is Friday, Feb. 10. For more information or to submit a proposal, go to or contact Ford at 307-268-2255 or