Fun and interactive ‘Cyberlife’ explored at Saturday Club

The October edition of the Tate Geological Museum’s Saturday Club will look at “Cyberlife.” The free event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 1, beginning at 10:30 a.m.
“Cyberlife’ is a fun, interactive program that looks at how computer programs, including John Conway’s Life and Richard Dawkins’ The Blind Watchmaker, illustrate how simple sets of rules can lead to highly complex designs, including patterns capable of reproducing themselves.
Led by Education Specialist Russell Hawley, participants will create their own life form and see how long it survives! This activity is free and open to children ages 7-14.
The Tate Geological Museum is located on the southern end of the Casper College campus; look for the life-sized T.rex bronze on the Casper College campus or call the museum at 307-268-2447.