Try OLLI for free

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, OLLI at Casper College, offers nonmembers a unique chance to take one class for free, a $12 value.
The free class offers nonmembers a chance to enjoy the benefits of membership in OLLI by allowing them to try an OLLI class. For just $60 a year, members receive five complimentary classes and special membership benefits for the year, including socials, special events, and access to offerings from other Osher Institutes nationwide.
OLLI is a vibrant learning community offering a healthy mix of new classes and old favorites, many topics and interests, and meeting in person and over Zoom. Courses take advantage of Casper’s community and incorporate field trips to new locations.
The special offer expires Tuesday, May 31, to register for a class, which must be taken by Thursday, June 30, 2022. To take advantage of this offer, call 307-268-3401.
OLLI is a noncredit education program geared toward people over 50, but anyone over 18 can join.