Popular judging camp set for June 20-22

The Annual Casper College Livestock Judging Camp will be held June 20-22 at the Grace Werner Agricultural Pavilion on the Casper College campus.
The camp, led by Jeremy Burkett, livestock judging coach and agriculture instructor, will focus on livestock evaluation with special emphasis on the presentation of oral reasons. Four learning divisions will be offered at the camp: novice, intermediate, advanced, and adult.
“The Casper College Livestock Judging Camp allows participants to interact with current industry-leading professionals, agricultural educators, coaches, and current Casper College agricultural students to advance their judging skills further,” said Burkett.
Example classes to be evaluated during the camp include market and breeding sheep, swine, cattle, and goats. The final day of camp will include a mock judging contest where competitors will put their knowledge and skills to the test.
The cost is $250 for students and $160 for advisers. The fee includes lodging, meals, a T-shirt, a judging manual, a judging contest, and awards. Entries received after Friday, May 27, will increase to $275 for students and $175 for advisers. Registration closes Friday, June 10.
To sign up or for more information, contact Burkett at 307-268-2417, toll-free at 800-442-2963, ext. 2417 or online. www.caspercollege.edu/events/ag-judging-camp.