Talking T-Birds score wins

The Casper College Talking T-Birds Forensics team had impressive results at the Off-Broadway Swing hosted by Nassau Community College recently. The tournament was held virtually.
“This was an awesome (event). Not only did the team win the tournament, defeating 25 other teams, but we beat out Ivy League school Cornell University for the title,” said Douglas Hall, director of forensics and communication instructor. The team took first in community college and first in debate while winning overall tournament champions. The team also took fifth in individual events.
Sophomores placing at the tournament included Kaelan Rodriguez, Casper, who placed sixth in after dinner speaking and second in poetry. Izzy Garcia, Cheyenne, Wyoming, took fifth in dramatic interpretation. Brax Sambrano, Casper, placed fifth in after dinner speaking and second in dramatic interpretation. Finally, Stephanie Barella, Casper, took bronze in international public debate and second in IPDA speaker.
First-year students were equally represented at the tournament. Markie Whitney and Shelby Davis, both of Newcastle, Wyoming, took gold in international public debate. Lydia Roterdam, Sturgis, South Dakota, took second in program oral interpretation, and Emma Kellick, Casper, took bronze in international public debate.
According to Hall, it is more challenging for team members to compete online. “Students don’t have a real audience to feed off of, their points of eye-contact are off, their space may not be ideal, and tech and internet issues are nearly constant. It’s rough,” he said, adding, “BUT … it’s nice to be able to still compete in the age of COVID-19.”
Since the team ended the fall semester on such a high note, Hall and Scarlett Miller, assistant coach, feel positive about the team’s chances for the spring. “Coach Miller and I are very proud of this group. They are poised to have a very exciting spring competitive season, including being a highly competitive team at the National Tournament, Phi Rho Pi, in April,” Hall said.