Published graphic artist to speak at Casper College

Graphic artist Seaerra Miller will speak on her burgeoning art career Thursday, Nov. 5, at noon in the Wheeler Concert Hall.
Miller, who attended Casper College from 2009-2011 as an art major, saw the release Sept. 1, 2020, of her graphic novel, “Mason Mooney Paranormal Investigator.” The book, released to bookstores in the United States and Britain and available online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and others, is published by Flying Eye Books and is the first of a three-part series aimed at young readers.
Miller also attended and graduated from Pacific Northwest College of Art and Design in Portland, Oregon. Shortly before her graduation in May 2017, she signed her first book deal to illustrate companion novels to the Netflix series “Hilda.” In April 2020, it was announced that Miller‘s “Out There” middle-grade graphic novel would be published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. The deal she signed with Little, Brown Books calls for two middle-grade graphic novels.
In addition to her art and writing, Miller has worked for several publications and organizations including, The Portland Trailblazers, Cricket Media, Oni Press, and Snap Chat.
Miller’s artist talk is free and open to all. The Wheeler Concert Hall is located in the Music Building on the Casper College campus.