‘Coffee with a Cop’ Wednesday at Casper College

The Casper College Criminal Justice Club will be hosting “Coffee with a Cop” Wednesday, Oct. 7, from 9-10 a.m. in the Tobin Dining Hall. The CCCJC will provide doughnuts and coffee at the free event.
Community members wishing to attend should park in the lot north of the Erickson Thunderbird Gymnasium and use the elevator or the stairs through the Harry T. Thorson Institute of Business and then enter the fourth floor of the Casper College Student Union/University of Wyoming at Casper building and take the elevator or stairs to the first floor, according to Art Washut.
“Social distancing and masks will be required — masks can be removed when seated at a table and drinking or eating as long as distance is maintained,” said Washut, Casper College criminal justice instructor. Washut also noted that “Parking near the cafeteria will be reserved by campus security for those officers in marked units who may need to leave for an emergency.”
“Coffee with a Cop” is a national event designed to “ … break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve,” according to the national “Coffee with a Cop” website.