Casper College virtual tournament seeks judges

Volunteer judges are needed for the 39th Annual Pioneer Trails Speech and Debate Tournament at Casper College Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7 and 8. This year’s tournament will be virtual due to COVID-19.
The tournament is in desperate need of people to help out this year, and the success of hosting the tournament is dependent upon the willingness and generosity of volunteer judges. Judging times are available from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday. No experience is needed for judging.
“Because the tournament is virtual this year, volunteers won’t need to come to campus to judge,” said Douglas Hall, communication instructor and director of forensics. According to Hall, volunteer judges need reliable internet access and a computer.
“For those considering, they should not let the idea of judging via their computer intimidate them as it is actually very easy to navigate the virtual tournaments. Judgers will just need to be able to evaluate a set of presentations and determine who most effectively communicates their message,” Hall said.
The tournament attracts regional colleges and universities. In past years the tournament has drawn teams from the University of Wyoming, the United States Air Force Academy, and Brigham Young University.
Judging categories include parliamentary debate, persuasion, prose, duet, speech to entertain, extemporaneous, impromptu, poetry, informative, communication analysis, program oral interpretation, and dramatic interpretation.
“We are in need of people to judge for an hour or more during this tournament. We want to make this one of the best tournaments that forensics has to offer, and with the help of the community, we can do that,” said Hall.
To volunteer or for more information, contact Hall at 268-2496 or