OLLI announces summer registration

Registration for the summer session of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Casper College will open online Friday, May 1.
“We can’t wait to return to our dynamite OLLI classes,” said Jeaneece Schmidt, lifelong learning specialist. “We are planning on our summer term running unless statewide restrictions affect that possibility,” she noted. The summer 2020 catalog, featuring 39 classes on a variety of topics, is now available.
All OLLI members receive five complimentary classes that can be used throughout the calendar year, no matter the term or when membership began. Individuals can still join for just $60, which will entitle them to five complimentary classes that can be used this summer or fall.
According to Schmidt, plans have already been developed with OLLI instructors to move instruction online, should the need arise.
To register for summer classes, or to join OLLI, go to caspercollege.augusoft.net. For those in need of a catalog, contact Schmidt at 307-268-2099 or jeaneece.schmidt@caspercollege.edu.