Casper College surpasses goal to help students

Casper College employees, trustees, and foundation and alumni board members have donated over $10,000 to the Casper College Cares Student Emergency Fund.
The fund was set up in early April to help Casper College students finding it difficult during the COVID-19 pandemic to make ends meet. “Many of our students were barely getting by during the good times and now find themselves without a job, going to school virtually from home — many with kids going to school from home with them, and trying to figure out how to put food on the table and pay all their monthly bills,” said Foundation Executive Director Denise Bressler.
After hearing about of some students who had requested emergency support through the Casper College Student Success Center, Bressler reached out with an email plea and challenge to employees and others to raise $5000 that the foundation would match, to help those Casper College students in need. Less than two weeks later, donations had climbed past $5000. “Every day, you all show how much you care about our students, and just what lengths you are willing to go,” Bressler wrote in a follow-up email. The goal was raised to $10,000, with the Foundation matching every dollar donated up to $10,000. That goal, too, was surpassed.
Said Bressler, “It’s just so heartwarming to know that despite the circumstances we are all currently in, the Casper College family came together to help us to assist as many of our students in need that we can.”