Deadline for popular kids summer camp March 20

The application deadline for the 2020 sessions of Casper College’s popular KEY Camp is Friday, March 20. The one-week camp is designed for high-ability students entering the sixth or seventh grade in the fall of 2020.
KEY Camp provides unique experiences for young people in a wide variety of subject areas according to Melanie Dawson, community education specialist. “Excellent teachers and camp counselors will guide student learning and interactions, and campers will return home with new skills, energy, and friends,” said Dawson.
A new feature of the KEY Camp for 2020 is that campers will no longer have to pick their classes. “Every camper will take every class that is offered, and no one will have to wait to get into a class,” Dawson noted. This year classes will allow students to design and construct their own astronomy tools; delve into physical and chemical reactions through scientific experiments; build a FM radio transmitter with a microprocessor; master the art of sous vide cooking; experience what surgery was like during the Civil War; extract human, plant and animal DNA; determine the nature of the ancient seafloor and the origins of sea life; and much more.
The cost for the weeklong camp is $640 per student and includes instruction, room and board, classroom and laboratory materials, extracurricular activities, supervision, and a specially designed camp T-shirt. All campers stay in the secured Casper College Residence Hall. In addition, teachers, a nurse, a head counselor, counselors, and a coordinator are on hand to support each camper.
Three sessions of the one-week camp will be held June 7-13, June 14-20, and June 21-27. Enrollment is limited, and the program may fill with qualified applicants before the application deadline. Only completed online applications will be considered and are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the program is full. Accepted students will be notified Friday, March 27. For more information, contact Dawson at 307-268-3399 or To apply online, go to