Natrona County moths topic of presentation

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“Natrona County Moths” will be the topic of the March Werner Wildlife Study Series Thursday, March 19, at 7 p.m.
Dwaine Wagoner will share photographs and natural history of the moths that enliven gardens and wild country during the warm months and survive Wyoming’s harsh winter, according to India Hayford, museum assistant. Wagoner describes himself as “a 73 yr. old curmudgeon with a high school diploma and an advanced degree of curiosity.”
Attendees will also be able to view Wagoner’s illustrated book titled “Natrona County Moths” at the Werner. His other illustrated book, “Butterflies of Natrona County,” is available for purchase at both the Werner and the Tate Geological museums, and can also be purchased before or after his presentation at the Werner.
“Natrona County Moths” is free and open to the public. The Werner Wildlife Museum is located off the Casper College campus at 405 E. 15th Street. For more information, call the museum at 307-235-2108 or email