CoARC Recognizes Respiratory Therapy Program with Third Distinguished Success Award

The Casper College Respiratory Therapy program, for the third year in a row, has been chosen by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care to receive the Distinguished RRT – registered respiratory therapist – Credentialing Success Award at the American Association for Respiratory Care’s Summer Forum in late June.
According to CoARC President Allen Gustin, Jr. M.D., the Casper College program is among a select group of programs to receive the recognition. “This award is presented as part of the CoARC’s continued efforts to value the RRT credential as a standard of professional achievement. From a program effectiveness perspective, the CoARC views the RRT credential as a measure of a program’s success in inspiring its graduates to achieve their highest educational and professional aspirations,” Gustin said.
According to Gustin, “ … the CoARC Board used objective criteria based on key accreditation metrics documented in the 2017 Annual Report of Current Status in selecting programs for the recognition.” Programs awarded were required to have three or more years of outcomes data; hold accreditation without a progress report; document RRT credentialing success of 90 percent or above; and meet or exceed established CoARC thresholds for certified respiratory therapist credentialing success, retention, on-time graduation rate, and overall employer and graduate satisfaction.
“In a larger sense, this award was made possible by a large team of individuals. Recognition goes to our program’s clinical director and teaching partner Alexia Melling, the adjuncts and preceptors at each clinical site, and finally the great students who have performed at a high level nationally,” said Doug Neubert, Casper College Respiratory Therapy Program director.