Public Invited to ‘A Night Before Nationals’

The 2018-2019 Casper College Forensics team. L-r: Hannah Arnold, freshman pre-vet major from Lander, Wyoming; Kaelan Rodriguez, freshman psychology major from Casper; Jae Fletcher, freshman political science major and Chloe Adkins, sophomore political science major, both from Box Elder, South Dakota; Carter Dunn, sophomore communications major from Casper; Izac Garcia, freshman political science major from Cheyenne, Wyoming; and Thayne Macy, freshman political science major from Casper. Casper College photo.
The general public is invited to “A Night Before Nationals” on Thursday, April 4 beginning at 6:30 p.m. the Wheeler Auditorium, Room 103, in the Wold Physical Science Center. The event is free, and refreshments will be served.
“A Night Before Nationals” is “… our annual public performance,” said Doug Hall, forensics head coach and communications instructor. According to Hall, the event will include two acts. The first will feature the forensics team members performing selections from the work they’ve constructed this year that they will be competing with at the Phi Rho Pi National Tournament in Reno, Nevada April 8-13. “The audience can expect to see our students showing off their talents and the results of their hard work all year,” Hall said.
For the second act, team members will give a short presentation on their recent International Forensics Association experience in Berlin, and the annual team awards will be presented as well.
The Wold Physical Science Center is located on the Casper College campus.