Training for Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Offered

The 2018 Wyoming Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Institute will be held at Casper College September 11-14.
Thanks to a collaboration between the Wyoming Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers and the Center for Training and Development at Casper College the Wyoming Municipal Institute will be held at the college for the next three years.
According to Sarah Schneider, workforce training specialist, the three-year institute is composed of 120 hours of training specifically for municipal clerks and treasurers.
The coursework will include topics such as public administration and organization, social and interpersonal issues, management, and technology-related training. In addition, treasurer-specific training will also be offered. Attendees pursuing their Certified Municipal Clerks or Master Municipal Clerk certifications will receive the points to apply to those certifications at the end of the three-year institute.
The cost for members to attend the full conference is $300, and the cost for nonmembers is $365. For those wishing to attend one day only the cost is $130 and $25 to attend the banquet only. To register go to
For more information contact Schneider at 307-268-3847, 800-442-2963, ext. 3847, or
The Wyoming Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers is an organization dedicated to the continuing growth and education of all Wyoming clerks, deputy clerks, treasurers, and support staff through associations, workshops, and conferences.