Early Bird Registration Open for 2018 T-Bird Trek

The early bird registration deadline for the fourth annual T-Bird Trek is Thursday, May 31, 2018. After May 31 registration costs will go up according to Ann Dalton, associate director of development. The T-Bird Trek is scheduled for Sunday, September 16.
The cost for those who register on or before May 31 is $50 to participate in the half marathon, $75 for the two-person half marathon relay, $30 for the 10k, and $20 for the 5k, a savings of more than 25 percent. Children 12 and under run free in the 5k with a registered adult. Profits from the event will support scholarships for Casper College students, institutional grants, and alumni programs.
The T-Bird Trek is for runners, family, and friends, and showcases the Casper College campus and community. In addition to the runs scheduled for September 16, the day will also include a post-race breakfast.
For more information, to register, volunteer, or become a sponsor go to www.caspercollege.edu/tbird-trek or contact Dalton at racedirector@caspercollege.edu, 307-268-2325, or 800-442-2963, extension 2325.