New Surgical Technician Program Begins at Casper College
Update as of 3/13/19 – This program is not currently available. Please refer to the Continuing Education course registration site for the current list of available classes, trainings, etc.
A new program to train students to become surgical technicians is being offered at Casper College through the school’s continuing education department.
The surgical technician program is a comprehensive 70-hour course that will cover the surgical technician’s role beginning to and for operative procedures, according to Brienne Jewkes, workforce training specialist at the college.
The class will cover many key areas and topics including the history of surgery; introduction to the operating room; the legal aspects of surgery and the surgical technician; policies and guidelines; introduction to human anatomy, surgical instruments, operating room equipment, operation, and maintenance; introduction to patient preparation; and other fundamental concepts.
The class will be held on Monday and Wednesday nights from 6 to 9:30 p.m. beginning April 2 and running through June 11, 2018. Class size is limited, so those interested should contact Jewkes at 307-268-2085 or Jewkes noted that the objectives of the class do not include a state or national certification, which generally requires at least two years of formal education.
The cost per person is $1600, and financial assistance may be available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. For more information call the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services at 307-234-4591.