College Foundation Receives $1 Million Check

The Casper College Foundation is presented with a check for $1 million by the Casper Petroleum Club. Pictured (l-r) Kathy Dolan, Casper College board trustee; Dr. Darren Divine, president of Casper College; John Jorgensen, president of the Casper College Foundation board; Paulann Doane, executive director of the foundation; Dr. Gail Zimmerman, vice president of the Casper Petroleum Club; Veronica Mundy, general manager of the Casper Petroleum Club; and Forrest Leff, past president of the Casper Petroleum Club. Casper College photo by Justin Pherson.
The Casper College Foundation was presented with a check for $1 million from the now-defunct Casper Petroleum Club on Thursday, Dec. 7.
Participating in the brief ceremony held at American National Bank were Kathy Dolan, Casper College board trustee; Dr. Darren Divine, president of Casper College; John Jorgensen, president of the Casper College Foundation board; Paulann Doane, executive director of the foundation; Dr. Gail Zimmerman, vice president of the Casper Petroleum Club; Veronica Mundy, general manager of the Casper Petroleum Club; and Forrest Leff, past president of the Casper Petroleum Club.
The gift comes following the sale of the Casper Petroleum Club in February 2017, after a decline in both membership and business. “I was sad to see the Casper Petroleum Club close, but the foundation is delighted by the donation and will put it to good use,” said Doane.
The Petroleum Club, which was established as a nonprofit public-benefit corporation, had asked the foundation to be the successor to handle its remaining assets should the club ever close its doors, and the foundation agreed.
There are no restrictions on how the money should be used, according to Doane. “Obviously, we like these types of donations the best because it allows the foundation board the most flexibility in meeting college needs,” Doane noted. The foundation board will discuss the use of the funds at its meeting in January. Until used, the funds will be invested.
“We truly appreciate that the club’s directors chose the college foundation as their successor,” Doane commented. The club, initially established in 1945, closed its doors in October 2016.