Bromley Real Estate to Sponsor Third Annual T-Bird Trek

For the third straight year, The Bromley Real Estate Company is the title sponsor for the Casper College Alumni Association T-Bird Trek featuring a half marathon, 10k, and 5k on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017.
“”We are delighted that The Bromley Real Estate Company has stepped forward once again as the title sponsor of the T-Bird Trek and truly appreciate their support of the Casper College Alumni Association’s efforts,” said Ann Dalton, associate director of development.
Registrations are now being accepted for the event. Those who register by Wednesday, May 31 will pay $55 to participate in the half marathon, $75 for the two-person half marathon relay, $35 for the 10k, and $20 for the 5k. Beginning June 1 the cost will be $60 to participate in the half marathon, $80 for the two-person half marathon relay, $40 for the 10k, and $25 for the 5k. After August 15, the fees will be $70 for the half marathon, $90 for the two-person half marathon relay, $45 for the 10k, and $35 for the 5k. According to Dalton, children 12 and under run free in the 5k with a registered adult. Profits from the event will support scholarships for Casper College students, institutional grants, and alumni programs.
The T-Bird Trek is for runners, family, and friends, and showcases the Casper College campus and community. In addition to the runs scheduled for September 17, the day will also include free musical entertainment and lunch.
For more information, to register, volunteer, or become a sponsor go to or contact Dalton at, 307-268-2325, or 800-442-2963, extension 2325.