Amphibians Topic of May Saturday Club

The May edition of the Tate Geological Museum’s Saturday Club will look at water-dwelling amphibians. The free event will take place on Saturday, May 6 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
The adaptations that allowed the first amphibians to leave the water to pursue a life on land will be the topic of discussion. Those attending will calculate the fineness ratio of various aquatic reptiles to see which were capable of sustained high-speed swimming in the open ocean and then build and paint their own reptile pin to wear home, according to Russell Hawley, Tate Geological Museum education specialist.
The club is designed for children aged 6 and older. There is no cost for children to attend the club. During the summer months, June through August, there will be no Saturday Club offered.
The Saturday Club takes place at the Tate Geological Museum, located on the Casper College campus. For more information, call the museum at 307-268-2447.