Tate Annual Summer Conference

The 29th annual Tate Conference will be held Friday May 30 through Sunday June 1, 2025.  The theme this year:

From mollusks to mosasaurs: Cretaceous marine paleontology

The Tate Conference features a day of speakers on Saturday and two days of field trips.  Saturday evening includes a dinner and Keynote Speaker.

This year’s Keynote is Josh Slattery of University of Wyoming, who will speak about ammonites (title of presentation to follow).



(Talk titles to follow)

Shaedon Kennedy, Casper College

topic: The Kronosaurus skeleton at Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology

Robin O’Keefe, Marshall University

topic: The Pinto Elasmosaur

Amelia Zeitlow, American Museum of Natural History

Anton Wrobelwski, University of Wyoming

“Complex Shorelines and a Greater Expanse of the WIS Revealed by Trace Fossils.”

Melissa Connely, Stratigraphic rex

topic: New Fossils from the Thermopolis Shale, northwestern Wyoming

Kate Marriott, American Museum of Natural History

“Adaptive radiation and Bergmann’s Rule in ammonite faunas across the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary, James Ross Island and Seymour Island, Antarctica”

Steve Miller, Western Interior Paleontological Society

Keith Berry, Hoehne Re-3 School District

Mitch Lukens, KLJ Engineering

Zach Tenney, University of Wyoming







To register click on the link below, but not yet.  We are not doing online registration, so print the form, fill it out and send it to:

Tate Museum
125 College Drive
Casper, WY 82601

Registration form will be available here.

Registration deadline is TBD.  

The Ramkota Hotel in Casper is the host hotel.  The Keynote Dinner will be held there.  They also have a shuttle available to bring folks to the Casper College campus, as long as there is no airport shuttle at that time.  The number is 307-266-6000.

The Fujita Family Stipend

Casper College graduate and Tate Museum intern, Lisa Fujita, started this fund in honor of her family to help pay for conference registration for interested Casper College students.  We are accepting donations to keep this fund and its cause going; feel free to donate to this fund on the registration form.  We have also been known to pass the hat during the conference to keep CC students attending.   : )

Field Trips

Note: Field trips are open to conference attendees only.

The Friday field trip will be to the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale in eastern Wyoming.  This unit is the main vertebrate fossil producing unit in the Pierre Shale.

The Sunday field trip will focus on ammonites (probably) closer to Casper.

On our field trips we usually allow personal collecting and/or collecting for your institution, but the Tate Museum and the landowner would have first rights of refusal for any fairly complete or unusual specimens found in the Sharon Springs.

Details to follow.

Field trips require some walking on natural terrain, and are therefore not wheelchair friendly.    



If you have any questions, please contact JP Cavigelli by email or by phone 307-268-3008.


We will have blocks of rooms reserved at the Ramkota Hotel for the pre-tax price of $89.  Give them a call to reserve one of these rooms and make sure to tell them you are with the Tate Geological Museum group.  Rooms need to be reserved before May 6th to get this group rate.

The Ramkota offers both airport pickup and shuttles around town, including to the Tate Museum.

Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center – Casper
800 N. Poplar
Casper, WY 82601

Ramkota: (307-266-6000)