Assessment at Casper College
Institutional Assessment
Assessment at Casper College focuses primarily upon understanding what our students know and can do. This includes a system of activities that help the college understand learning processes, organizational structures, and cultural factors impacting student learning. The Assessment Office attempts to validate the community trust that students, after completing a degree program at Casper College, will know and be able to …
- Demonstrate effective communication
- Apply scientific methods
- Solve problems using critical thinking and creativity
- Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and historical perspectives
- Appraise creative and/or aesthetic activities
- Use information to conduct research
- Analyze the importance of personal, civic, and social responsibilities
- Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process data
The General Education Assessment Process
Each semester, Casper College assesses two of the eight institutional student learning outcomes (ISLO) mentioned above ensuring all outcomes are assessed every two years. Prior reports can be found in the following outcome links:
- Spring 2023: Outcome 5 and outcome 6
- Fall 2023: Outcome 7 and outcome 8
- Spring 2024: Outcome 1 and outcome 2
- Fall 2024: Outcome 3 and outcome 4
- ISLO Summary Report
Student work samples are submitted by faculty each academic year for use in anonymous scoring sessions for each learning outcome. The results of the scoring sessions are used to understand the performance level of Casper College students generally on each of the eight Student Learning Outcomes.
Faculty submission forms for student artifacts:
- Artifacts may be submitted by linking assignments in MyCCMoodle
Assessment Resources for CC Instructors
The resources included here are to provide context and understanding for the better practice of assessment at Casper College and assist you in submitting artifacts for the assessment of student learning outcomes.
- Trainings and Resources for Instructors
- Distinguishing Between Program and Course Learning – A Primer by Linda Suskie
Additional Resources
- Video Resource – Aligning Assignments with VALUE rubrics: Developed by Beth Wisely, Earth Science Instructor
AAC&U Rubric Information
Casper College Survey of Student Engagement
Casper College conducts surveys of students to learn more about key areas of student engagement. Data from the surveys are used to highlight areas that educational research has shown to be important to students’ college experiences and educational outcomes.
- CCSSE 2017 Key Findings Report
- CCSSE 2019 Key Findings Report
- CCSSE 2021 Key Findings Report
- CCSSE 2023 Key Findings Report
Survey Protocol
Anyone who wishes to collect institutional survey data from Casper College students, employees, or on behalf of Casper College to another population should notify and receive endorsement from the Casper College Assessment Department and the Institutional Review Board.
In addition, the person who receives an email or traditional mail addresses of individuals in school and any data reports will be responsible for that information and must sign a statement, agreeing to adhere to Casper College and FERPA policies for handling data. The person must also agree not to provide these addresses and/or survey links to other offices or to reuse the addresses and links to administer other surveys without notification and endorsement from the Assessment Department.
To notify and receive endorsement from the Assessment Department to distribute surveys to individuals outside one’s school, office, or classroom, complete and send the survey questions and or survey creation request to the Casper College Assessment Department with the following information: (please allow one week for a response to your request).
- The desired population to be surveyed.
- The intended method of survey administration (i.e. e-mail, email, or another method).
- The proposed date(s) on which the survey will be administered and any pre-or post-
mailings encouraging survey participation. - A description of any planned incentive program for respondents.
- The purpose of the survey and how the information will be used.
- Please provide a statement indicating that the person administering the survey will use survey findings only for internal purposes, i.e., the findings of the survey are for institutional usage only.
Endorsement to administer a survey establishes an obligation on the part of the individual(s) to use these data responsibly, including not redistributing the data to others in or outside of Casper College, unless authorized.