Inside a farm building, a male instructor gestures at a horse while a group of students surround him.

Animal Science

The Animal Science program is designed to introduce students to the world of domestic animal agriculture.

What are the features of Casper’s program?

Students will gain academic and practical knowledge of animal agriculture, including reproduction, growing, feeding, health management of breeding and market livestock.  The ultimate goal of developing livestock through the entire supply chain in a global environment.

The Animal Science program is a two-year course of study.

The Associate of Science (A.S.) degree program is for students who plan on transferring to a four-year institution to continue their educational pursuit in animal science.

The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree program provides the training and skills necessary to enter livestock production, either as an employee, or as a producer. Students following this curriculum can qualify for the Associate of Science degree, as detailed in the Casper College Catalog. Although this is an A.A.S. degree, graduates from this program may apply this degree toward an online applied science degree at the University of Wyoming at Casper.

What can I do with this major?

Attending your dream university starts right here at CC

A transfer agreement is available for this degree. Students who choose CC for their first two years of college are prepared to transfer and complete their degrees in a variety of locations across the globe. Learn how you can earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a doctorate through one of our university partnerships with institutions of higher education across the nation.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

There are no prerequisites for this program.

What courses would I take?

For requirements and more information about this program, view its listings in the academic catalog:

Interested in online learning?

A portion of the courses in this program may be available online. Learn more about online programs and courses at Casper College.

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Contact Info

Julie Hansen

Academic Assistant, School of Science

Heath Hornecker

Department Chair; Agriculture Instructor

Jeff Sun

Dean, School of Science