English as a Second Language (ESL)

We are accepting new students.

ESL Class Schedule

  • Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – Noon
  • Wednesday and Thursday, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

ESL Subjects

English as a Second Language class helps improve the following skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Digital Literacy

Classes are taught using a communicative approach and individualized to the needs of each student. New students can sign up on site or online. Assessments are required and administered to determine beginning skill level and measure growth.

Classes are located at the Casper College campus, Werner Technical Center.




  • Ofrecemos Diferentes Niveles de Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL)
  • Las Clases se Imparten de Lunes a Jueves a las 9 am y los Miércoles y Jueves a las 5 pm (17:00 horas)
  • Únase a Nuestra Comunidad Diversa de ESL Donde Todos Celebramos Nuestras Diferencias Culturales y nos Apoyamos Mutuamente

Llame hoy para reservar su lugar 307-268-2230.

Exámenes antes y después (pre y post-tests) son necesarios. También se ofrecen apoyo para ciudadanía, según sea necesario.

Centro de Aprendizaje para Adultos @ Casper College



Q: How much does it cost to attend ESL classes at the Adult Learning Center?

A: Classes at the Adult Learning Center are FREE.

Q: What is expected of me as a student?

A: Students must:

● complete a registration form

● take pre- and post-test exams

● attend 5 hours of class a week

● complete work on a computer or tablet outside of class

● complete a minimum of 50 hours before June 30

Q: Do I need to have a computer or tablet?

A: No. If you don’t have a computer or tablet with internet access, you may stay after class to use our computer lab.

Q: Do I earn hours when I do my pre-work on the computer?

A: You earn 9 hours when you complete a module with 80% accuracy, but you do not count the actual time you spend working on the pre-work. Computers and technology skills are important for your college or career pathway.

Q: What is I-DEA?

A: I-DEA stands for Integrated Digital English Acceleration. It is a program to help you learn computer skills and English skills at the same time. You can use a computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Q: Why do I have to take a test?

A: We need to know how much English you already know and how much English you learn. This is how we get money to offer our program for free.

Q: What types of English skills and services are offered?

A: Speaking, listening, reading, writing, and computer kills. We offer distance learning so you can study online.

Q: How do I qualify for classes?

A: You must be at least 18 years old, out of school, and a non-native English speaker. You must be able to commit to completing 50 hours; at least 5 hours per week of study. We offer distance learning so you can complete part of your hours online.

Q: Are the teachers bilingual?

A: Yes, all of the ESL teachers speak more than one language.

Q: Can I study on my own?

A: Language learning requires a lot of practice, so our program utilizes a communicative approach to language, rather than grammar drills. You can also come every day the center is open – even if there is no class – to use the computers or study on your own. We offer distance learning so you can complete part of your hours online.

Q: Can I bring my child(ren)?

A: No. Children are not allowed to be on campus while parents attend class. We can help you find childcare.

Q: How long does it take to learn English?

A: Learning a language can take years, but we only ask you to commit to completing 50 hours.

Q: I signed up for class but now I have a new job. What can I do?

A: Please contact an instructor immediately so we can find another class time that fits your schedule. You are welcome to come to other classes. We offer distance learning so you can complete part of your hours online.

Q: What if the class is too hard for me?

A: Just keep coming! Our teachers work very hard to meet the needs of all students but language learning does take persistence and effort on the part of student.

Q: Do I need a Social Security Number (SSN)?

A: A Social Security Number is not required to sign up for our program at this time. We are required to find out how much money you earn, which is a lot easier if we have your Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Q: Do you report status to immigration?

A: No. We do not routinely share your personal information with other agencies without your permission.

Contact Info

Call the Adult Learning Center at 307-268-2230

Carly Bruntmyer

carly.bruntmyer@caspercollege.edu or 307-268-2664

Sarah Michaels

sarah.michaels@caspercollege.edu or 307-268-3891