Disability Support Services

Services for Students with Disabilities

Casper College follows the American with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act in providing services and accommodations to students with disabilities.

Web Accessibility

Casper College is committed to ensuring accessibility of our websites, web content and web applications for people with disabilities. It is the right thing to do, the smart thing to do and it is the law.

What services are available?

While it is the college’s responsibility to notify students of services and how to access those services, it is the student’s responsibility to self-identify and request accommodations. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis according to required documentation of disability. Services provided through Disability Support Services located in Student Success Center, 3rd Floor Gateway, may include but are not limited to:

  • Assistance in completing the admissions process
  • Academic advising
  • Career counseling
  • Classroom accommodations (sign language/oral interpreters, audio recording, appropriate seating arrangements, etc.)
  • Alternate testing, electronic text information, print materials in alternate format (Braille)
  • Referral to resources on and off campus
  • Use of assistive technology (screen readers, scan and read programs, assistive listening equipment, adaptive keyboards, zoom text, voice recognition programs, digital recorders, spell checkers, smart pens, laptop computers, etc.)
Am I eligible for accommodations?

You are eligible if:

  • You are considered a person with a disability under the law
  • You have identified yourself to Disability Support Services located in Gateway 342
  • You have provided the most current documentation regarding your disability

Documentation of a disability requires the following:

  • Identification of the nature and extent of the disability
  • Specific information regarding the manner in which the disability affects you and your ability to demonstrate your knowledge of the material presented in the classroom
  • Suggestions regarding possible accommodations

Documentation is usually provided by a physician, psychologist, learning disabilities specialist or rehabilitation counselor.

When to request services?

Students are expected to request services in a timely manner, usually prior to the start of classes. The time needed will vary for the service requested (for example, some services such as Braille or providing texts in alternative formats can take several weeks or even months depending on the availability of readers, the use of outside agencies, cooperation of publishers, etc.). Students are encouraged to request support services as early as possible; the earlier services are requested, the more likely it will be that appropriate accommodations will be available when needed.

How do I apply for services and receive accommodations?
  1. Meet with Disability Services Counselor
  2. Provide current documentation of your disability
  3. Each semester the student and the Disability Services Counselor will work out an appropriate Services Agreement outlining the accommodations that will be provided
  4. Students are responsible for informing instructors of the accommodations to which the student is entitled by delivering a copy of the Services Agreement signed by the Disability Services Counselor
  5. If a situation arises regarding accommodations, the student should notify the Disability Services Counselor.

Career Guide for Students with Disabilities

  • In-college career preparation strategies for post-graduate success
  • Common job-hunting challenges and actionable solutions
  • Proactive resources for a successful jump from college-to-career

Faculty Resources

Links for all faculty

Health sciences resource links

Contact Info

Jennifer McLeod

Disability Services Counselor
307-268-2557, Fax 307-268-3058
Walter H. Nolte Gateway Center, Rm. 342

Drew Gitlitz

Academic Success Advisor
Walter H. Nolte Gateway Center, Rm. 348