Professional Japanese Taiko drummer at Casper College Tuesday, Aug. 29

By: Lisa S. Icenogle
Image for Taiko drumming performance press release.

Takumi Kato, a renowned and professional Japanese Taiko drumming performer from Japan, will be at Casper College on Tuesday, Aug. 29, for a free performance beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Thomas H. Empey Studio Theatre.

“My family and I moved to the U.S. with a dream of performing 1,000 times with my three children across 50 states in five years starting in October 2022,” said Kato.

“We are eager to promote awareness of traditional Japanese drumming and celebrate Japanese culture,” noted Kat Bohr-Buresh, co-chair of the Casper College Diversity and Inclusion Committee that is hosting the concert.

The Empey Studio Theatre is located in the Gertrude Krampert Center for Theatre and Dance on the Casper College campus.

Media contact: Lisa S. Icenogle

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