What are the features and benefits of an online degree from CC?
- Students are able to fit class time around their schedule, whether it be working, taking care of family or a combination of both.
- Online classes are a good fit for students with a self-motivated learning style. You can progress more independently than you might be able to in a traditional classroom setting.
- This is a great opportunity for you to become more marketable and expand your career goals.
What’s the difference between the degree and the certificate?
Graduates of this associate of applied science (A.A.S.) degree program may apply credits earned toward the first two years of an online applied science bachelor’s degree from the University of Wyoming.
The certificate provides many of the major courses chosen from the two-year program but is not all inclusive. It is designed to be completed in a shorter period of time and therefore more skill oriented.
About the online learning environment
Casper College uses a learning management system, called MyCCMoodle, for all its online courses. Course syllabus, calendar of activities, resources, assignments and quizzes, discussions, and grades can be accessed through MyCCMoodle. Some of the tools used by instructors also include video streaming, virtual collaboration, and many other hands-on exercises. Learn more about getting started online.
Are there due dates for assignments?
Due dates and timelines are determined by the instructor, but the most important thing students need to know is that there are indeed due dates for assignments.
What if I need help with MyCCMoodle or have a technology-related question?
Students receive great technical support from our Digital Learning Center.
Can you tell me more about the cooperative work experience; do I still have to do that as an online student?
The co-op is similar to an internship. Students are required to work in an office setting to hone the skills they have been developing. If you are already employed, you can use your work place experiences, with some caveats added to the requirements. If a student is not employed, the department chair will help set up the co-op. Students are required to work 80 hours for one credit.
Are you a stay-at-home parent? The requirement is to work 80 hours, which is about 5 hours a week. You are allowed to help come up with a workable solution. For example, previous students have worked for a family friend, or at their church; they both chose to work a full day once a week. This experience in invaluable especially for those who have never worked in an office setting.