A student practices lifting another student out of a wheelchair.

Pre-Occupational Therapy

As an occupational therapist, you will help others regain and improve their skills for daily living.

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapist are a crucial part of many treatment regimens, helping patients develop, recover, and improve the skills needed to live and work. OTs use a variety of methods to help people of all ages with injuries, illnesses and disabilities. Few health science careers draw from as diverse an array of interests and backgrounds as occupational therapy.

Occupational therapy vs. physical therapy: What’s the difference? OTs help their patients learn to perform the tasks of daily living in spite of injury, developmental or cognitive deficits. Many times these skills will be used for the entirety of the patient’s life. PTs have a more acute role, which means that they help patients to recover normal function after an injury or surgery.

What are the features of Casper’s program?

The pre-professional education pathway

This is a transfer program. What does that mean? This Associate of Science (A.S.) degree program prepares students for entry into a bachelor’s degree program and/or for application directly into their identified area of professional schooling.

This is separate of the degree path to becoming an occupational therapy assistant. (Learn more about the OTA program.)

How to become an occupational therapist

The pre-occupational therapy program at Casper College prepares students to transfer to a professional program at another institution.

CC has a transfer partnership with the University of North Dakota, providing students the opportunity to earn an entry-level master’s degree in occupational therapy while remaining on the Casper College campus. CC students will work with a CC advisor before applying for entry to this program.

Students planning to transfer to schools other than UND should contact those schools to obtain transfer requirements. Students should also notify the pre-OT advisor so that appropriate course selections are made.

What can I do with this major?

Attending your dream university starts right here at CC

A transfer agreement is available for this degree. Students who choose CC for their first two years of college are prepared to transfer and finish their degrees anywhere in the world. Learn how you can earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or even your doctorate through one of our university partnerships with schools from across the country.

Employment info

Learn more about wage ranges for occupational therapists in Wyoming and across the U.S., as well as the general employment profile for occupational therapists.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

There are no prerequisites for this program.

What courses would I take?

For requirements and more information about this program, view its listing in the academic catalog:


Interested in online learning?

A portion of the courses in this program may be available online. Learn more about online programs and courses at Casper College.

Contact Info

Julie Hansen

Academic Assistant, School of Science

Scott Johnson

Academic Chair; Anatomy & Physiology Instructor

Jeff Sun

Dean, School of Science