Students look for specimens in a stream near Casper Mountain.

Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management

If you enjoy the outdoors and especially value its ecology and what it offers, Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management might be a great career choice.

Areas within this discipline include work in field biology, law enforcement, and working with the public. Entry into these professions typically requires a bachelor’s degree in a natural resource science. An associate degree will prepare students to transfer to a wildlife and fisheries bachelor’s program almost anywhere.

What are the features of Casper’s program?

At Casper College, students learn the fundamentals of biological science that can be applied to future coursework. An Associates of Science in a terrestrial or a fisheries emphasis will provide the basics you need to succeed. Many of our graduates are now successful in the profession as managers and biologists in several different agencies and companies across the country.

What can I do with this major?

Attending your dream university starts right here at CC

A transfer agreement is available for this degree. Students who choose Casper College for their first two years are prepared to transfer and finish their degrees anywhere in the world. Learn how you can earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or even your doctorate through a university partnership with schools across the country.

Employment info

Learn more about wage ranges and general occupational info for these jobs in Wyoming and across the U.S.: wildlife biologistsbiologistsrange managersnatural sciences managersfish and game wardenspostsecondary forestry and conservation science teachersaquacultural managers, and environmental restoration planners.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

There are no prerequisites for this program.

What courses would I take?

For requirements and more information about this program, view its listing in the academic catalog:

Interested in online learning?

A portion of the courses in this program may be available online. Learn more about online programs and courses at Casper College.

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Contact Info

Julie Hansen

Academic Assistant, School of Science

Scott Johnson

Academic Chair; Anatomy & Physiology Instructor

Jeff Sun

Dean, School of Science