Nursing student working with training dummy


Are you interested in working in a healthcare environment? Does working with people invigorate you? Do you want a career that is exciting, challenging and in high demand? Are you looking for a career that is well-paying?

If these fit your career goals, you may want to consider a career as a Registered Nurse (RN).

What are the features of Casper’s program?

Casper College currently offers an Associate Degree in Nursing.  After acceptance into our program you can finish your degree in two years and be eligible to take the NCLEX-RN for licensure. The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is a statewide curriculum in which you can transfer seamlessly to the University of Wyoming to complete your bachelor’s degree online.  

Our students are prepared to transfer classroom learning in simulated labs as well as live practicums in a wide variety of health care settings. The majority of our clinical facilities are located within 5 miles of the campus.

What can I do with this major?

Attending your dream university starts right here at CC

A transfer agreement is available for this degree. Students who choose CC for their first two years of college are prepared to transfer and finish their degrees anywhere in the world. Learn how you can earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or even your doctorate through one of our university partnerships with schools from across the country.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

In order to be eligible to apply to the program a student must have the following completed:

  • Apply to Casper College as a degree seeking student;
  • Maintain a degree GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Complete TEAS®. with score of proficient or higher.
  • CNA License required for admission as of Fall 2024.
  • Being enrolled in, or have completed: HMDV 1300 On-Course, HLTK 1300 Nursing Bootcamp, Human Anatomy Lab (4 credits), MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus/Algebra, and English 1010 English Composition I.
Applications and deadline details

We accept applications in spring and fall semester of each year. Students must submit a Casper College Nursing Program Application, TEAS scores, and unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended to the nursing department office by the assigned deadline in order to be considered.

Application Deadlines:

Spring Cohort: September 1st. to October 1st.
Fall Cohort: February 1st.  to March 1st.

Note:  If the deadline falls on a weekend we will accept the applications the Monday immediately  following the due date.


LPN Advanced Placement:

Please contact Marge Christiansen for more information.

What courses would I take?

For requirements and more information about this program, view its listing in the academic catalog:


How do I obtain a guidebook to the nursing program?

You can download it from the Resources section of this web page. Or you can call Lupe at 307-268-2235 and she will be happy to mail you a copy of the guidebook.

How many students apply to the program?

Each year there is a different pool of candidates. We never know how many people will apply. In the past couple of years it has been between 40-50 applicants each semester. 

How many students are admitted to the program?

We admit 32 students to start in January and August. 

How are students admitted?

Students earn points based on degree GPA, TEAS test scores,  and grades they receive in pre-requisite courses and in selected general education courses. Students with the highest points are admitted. See the “Admission Ranking Worksheet” in the Guide to ReNEW AD Nursing for a detailed description. 

Is there a waiting list?

We do not utilize a waiting list. After accepting the initial students, we rank the remaining qualified applicants according to their point totals and create an alternate list. Because some students maybe provisionally admitted while enrolled in pre-requisite courses, confirmed admissions will take place upon posting of final grades.  If accepted students decline or become inelegible,  applicants from the alternate list will be invited  to join the program. This list remains viable until beginning of the semester and then becomes void. We begin the following admissions period with no preference given to those applicants who had been on the alternate list. 

Do I have to be a CNA to be accepted into the program?

Starting Fall 2024, a CNA License will be required for admission.

What is the difference between an ADN and a BSN? Which does Casper College offer?

In the Fall of 2016 there was a curriculum change to the ReNEW curriculum. We offer an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN).  The ReNEW curriculum is a  BSN curriculum  with an ADN benchmark so students can become an RN and  transition into the BSN program offered on-line through UW .  There are some areas that are covered more extensively in the baccalaureate degree. These include research and a greater emphasis on leadership. Basic nursing content is the same in both levels of education. Graduates of both degrees take the same licensing exam, the NCLEX-RN.

How long is the program?

After being accepted, the program is 2 years (4 semesters). 

What courses can I take via the internet that will count towards the nursing degree?

Casper College offers many courses via distance education including online courses. See the current college catalog  for an up-to-date listing of courses offered, including those offered online. All nursing classes utilize the internet (MyCCMoodle) to augment the course’s delivery.

What does it take to be successful in nursing?

Nursing requires very special talents and skills. Classroom and clinical education is rigorous and challenging. “Wanting” to be a nurse and taking care of others isn’t enough. Successful students have strengths in mathematics, laboratory sciences and other general education courses. They are focused on building a foundation of learning that will be continued for a lifetime. Successful candidates for a career in nursing should be able to:

  • communicate clearly and effectively,
  • transfer knowledge from the classroom to the practicum experiences
  • demonstrate good organizational skills
  • manage multiple priorities
  • think clearly and logically, even in stressful situations
  • show good judgment
  • work well with others
  • understand delegation roles
  • consistently demonstrate honesty and integrity, and
  • put the needs of the client first.
What is WYIN aid and how do I apply for it?

Nursing students or Nursing program applicants who would like a chance for Wyoming Investment in Nursing (WYIN) funds need to contact Align at 800-999-6541 extension 9019 or 9051. Their application and self certification form must be returned to the Enrollment Services office, 3rd floor Gateway Center. 

Other Resources


Other Resources

Contact Info

Lupe Kerr

Academic Assistant, School of Health Science

Marge Christiansen

Director of Nursing

Dino Madsen

Dean, School of Health Science top nursing schools ranking logo