Master Plan

In 2006, Casper College adopted a comprehensive master plan to help provide a focused vision on the opportunities facing Casper College over the next 25 years. The 2006 master plan provided perspective on a 25-year period to address issues of future growth. It was to be used as a planning tool to inform and guide future decisions.

In January 2009, Casper College began a condensed process to update the previous 2006 campus master plan. The college wished to “refresh” the current plan and take another look at several building locations along with the anticipated size of the proposed new buildings. The task was to explore alternative locations for three key buildings and the future residence hall complex.

In 2012, Casper College, in coordination with the 2009 campus master plan refresh, updated the original 2006 campus master plan. The college wished to further “refresh” the plan in two phases of planning. Phase One: Define the renovation work required in five building locations, and Phase Two: Determine the future building needs of the campus over the next 10-15 years.

In January 2018, the college began a process to update the 2012 plan. Minor changes to the concepts in the 2006, 2009, and 2012 plans were made as part of the refresh process. The goals to the master plan refresh included:
1. Provide a flexible framework for future development of the campus to strengthen the academic mission of the college and provide a cohesive, accessible, beautiful, and safe campus community.
2. Optimize the efficiency and utilization of the existing buildings, and identify the potential for new facilities and infrastructure to accommodate future programmatic needs.
3. Enhance the sense of place of the college by evaluating where primary and secondary entrances should be located; defining the edges and landscape treatments that identify the campus; and assessing material considerations moving forward that are low-maintenance but also retain the beauty of the campus.
4. Improve circulation, parking, and wayfinding for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles so that access is safer, intuitive and functional.
5. Define landscaped open spaces and connections to create vibrant settings for socialization, study, and celebration of the college’s culture and community.

Campus master plans:

  • 2024 plan (PDF)
  • 2018 plan (PDF)
  • 2012 plan  (available upon request)
  • 2009 plan (available upon request)
  • 2006 plan (available upon request)