Photo of someone using an iPad to look at pie charts and line charts.

Statistics (Applied)

Every field of human endeavor collects information to verify processes, assess quality, and to research new ideas. Statistics is the tool that allows all such analyses to be performed.

What are the features of Casper College’s Statistics Courses?

Traditionally, statistical methods are only taught at the upper division level, due to the complicated mathematics required to prove the methods work. None of this math is needed to actually perform a statistical analysis. At Casper College, we believe students can and should acquire advanced skills in statistical research methods as early as possible.

What are the special admission requirements, if any?

Prerequisites:  A “C” or better in MATH 1000 or MATH 1400, or an ACT Math score of 23 or better, or an appropriate COMPASS Exam score with the past year.


Statistics Lab (Physical Science Room 323)

Stats Lab Hours

Contact info:

  • 307-268-3092

Contact Info

Julie Hansen

Academic Assistant, School of Science

Jacob (Jake) McIntyre

Academic Chair; Mathematics Instructor

Jeff Sun

Dean, School of Science