Expression Literary and Arts Magazine
Expression Literary and Arts Magazine, est. 1964 is proud to showcase the very best creative work of students from Casper College and the University of Wyoming at Casper.

When to submit
Submissions for each publication year must be submitted before February 28 to be considered for publication in that spring’s issue, i.e., submissions for the 2023 edition are accepted from March 1, 2022, until February 28, 2023. Anything submitted after the submission deadline will be entered into consideration for the following year’s publication
What we are looking for
We welcome student submissions of original work from a variety of genres, including but not limited to stories, essays, poems, screenplays, paintings, drawings, graphic designs, sculpture, jewelry design, costume design, architecture design, musical scores, and musical recordings. If the work is creative and original, we’d like to see it for consideration in the magazine.
All submissions require a title. Submissions without a title are subject to being given titles by the Expression team or withdrawn from consideration. Please ensure that the title of your documents is your intended artwork titles, i.e. AllTheRoses.jpeg NOT untitled.jpeg.
Literary Submissions
- Manuscripts must be typed, Times New Roman, 12-pt., double spaced, titled, and a maximum of 3,000 words.
- Save submissions as a *.docx or *.rtf file. In the “Save as Type” box, scroll down to “.docx” “.rtf” and click. No .pdf submissions will be accepted.
- Submissions must contain a header with the title and page number in the upper right-hand corner only; do not put your name anywhere on the submission.
- Essay submissions should be fitting for a literary and arts magazine. As we are not an academic press, essays submitted to Expression should thematically fit our book by discussing ideas around art, culture, literature, or society.
Visual Art Submissions
- Artwork and photography saved as a *.jpeg, *.tiff, or *.png may be submitted.
- All photographs of artwork should be submitted at 300dpi high-resolution for print.
- Graphic design pieces will be counted as one submission per one page or one singular two-page spread.
- For assistance with photographing physical artwork, please contact us as to arrange a time to meet us to take high-quality photographs of your artwork prior to
Music Submissions
- Submissions may be for solo instrument, voice, or ensemble.
- Sheet music must be submitted in *.jpeg or *.png format.
- Original performance pieces may be sent via Youtube links or must be saved as *.wav, *.mp3, or *.flac files.
Other Submissions
The Expression staff welcomes submissions in other categories displaying student creativity, including architectural design, computer animation, short films, costume and make-up design, and comics. For more information about how to submit alternative forms of art, follow the above applicable submission information or please contact us as
Expression Staff
The magazine relies on a dedicated staff of student workers. If you would like to help out, see the job descriptions below and apply at Expression staff application (Google form).
Editor-in Chief (Leads staff in pursuit of mission)
- Assumes leadership role by assigning, coordinating, and directing staff duties
- Prepares written agenda for & chairs weekly staff meetings & special work sessions
- Ensures schedules, deadlines, staff, and publication obligations are met
- Represents the magazine on the CC Publications Board
- Along with the production editor, serves as primary contact with printer
- Oversees promotional efforts, submission process, judging sessions, magazine design, production, unveiling reception, and campus-wide distribution
- Maintains assigned office hours
- Directly responsible to faculty sponsor
- Is responsible for delegating or handling duties of roles not filled
Production Editor (Prepares promotional materials and magazine for publishing)
- Generates and graphs design concept for the magazine and any promotional materials on the computer, working closely with the art editor, and securing input from the staff
- Maintains a close working relationship with the publisher
- Prepares lay-outs for the publisher, carefully checking all proofs with input from staff
- Ensures that all publication deadlines are met
Online Content Editor
- Maintains Expression’s professional presence on Facebook and any other designated and approved (by both chief editor and faculty sponsor) websites by making weekly content
- Ensures link remains viable to updated submission packet material
- Assumes other electronic duties as needed
Literary Editor
- Actively solicits literary submissions through correspondence with faculty, students, and literary conference participants – arranging as many classroom visitations as possible
- Organizes literary judging session; once judges are selected by staff, secures judges, explains duties
- Sends thank-you notes to literary judges, along with an invitation to the reception
- Sends rejection or acceptance letters (accompanied by invitation to spring reception) to all who submit literature
- Adheres to scheduled deadlines
- Designates responsibilities to assistant, as deemed appropriate
Art Editor (Responsible for art components of magazine)
- Creates cover design mock-ups based on staff input and finalizes magazine cover
- Designs artwork for promotional materials (posters, flyers, t-shirts, etc.)
- Actively solicits student art submissions through correspondence with art, theatre, and architecture faculty and students – arranging as many classroom visits as possible
- Organizes art judging session; once judges are selected by staff, secures judges and explains duties
- Promptly arranges for scanning/photographing all artwork selected for magazine
- Sends thank-you notes to art judges, along with an invitation to the reception
- Sends rejection or acceptance letters (along with invitations to spring reception) to all who submit art
- Designates responsibilities to assistant, as deemed appropriate
Music Editor (Responsible for music components of magazine)
- Actively solicits music submissions through correspondence with faculty and students – arranging as many classroom visits as possible
- Organizes music judging session; once judges are selected by staff, secures judges and explains duties
- Sends thank-you notes to music judges, along with an invitation to the reception
- Sends rejection or acceptance letters (accompanied by invitation to spring reception) to all who submit music
Managing Editor (Manages office, submissions, and distribution)
- Tracks expenses and maintains financial records
- Organizes and supplies office and resolves problems with equipment and/or supplies
- Trains all staff in regard to phone and office equipment protocol
- Coordinates staff office hours
- Oversees submission logs
- Records, distributes for approval, and files minutes for all meetings
- Plans and implements magazine distribution
Staff Assistants
- Fulfills duties as designated by editor-in-chief
- Helps out where needed
All Positions
- Adheres to scheduled deadlines
- Attends weekly meetings, special work sessions, and judging session
- Maintains assigned office hours
- Directly responsible to editor-in-chief