Castellow Adult Learning Center
The Castellow Adult Learning Center at Casper College offers free assistance to out-of-school adult students, 16 years old and older, who need to improve their basic reading, writing, and math skills in order to reach their educational and employment goals. Educational services are also available to speakers of other languages.
All services are free and open to the public. (These services are state and federally funded through adult education and literacy programs administered by the Wyoming Community College Commission, BOCES, and Casper College.)
Students can work at home, in the center, or both. Those requiring intensive individualized instruction may be placed with a Castellow Adult Learning Center Volunteer tutor.

“I didn’t think a high school diploma made much difference, but it does. That’s why I’m working on my high school equivalency certificate. I want more for my life and the Adult Learning Center is helping me to reach my goals.”
— Vincent Telles

- Adult Basic Education
- High School Equivalency Preparation
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Volunteer Opportunities
Adult Basic Education
Adult Basic Education includes:
- Basic writing
- Basic math
- Basic reading
- Computer literacy skills
Online Study:
Although you can do most of your studying online, you’ll still need to first visit the Adult Learning Center at Casper College to get set up. If you are interested in developing your basic skill areas and already have a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate, you can come in any time we are open to get started in the program. If you are a prospective high school equivalency student, you’ll need to attend a new student orientation. For more information call 307-268-2230.
To get started:
All students must take a pre-test to determine their instructional needs. After visiting with an instructor and getting acquainted with the online software program, we will set you up to study in any of the following areas from home:
Basic skill areas:
- Reading
- Language and writing
- Basic math
- Intermediate math
- Pre-algebra
- Algebra
- Science I & II
- Social Studies I & II
- Information skills
- Workforce readiness
The initial assessment given to students is the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE), which indicates skills mastered and skills needing improvement.
Instruction in U.S. government and history necessary to pass the U.S. citizenship test. Students must have a basic knowledge of reading, writing, and speaking English, and should be one year from applying for citizenship.
English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language:
Assessment and instruction for students whose native language is not English. Class instruction is available for all levels of survival English. There is no charge for this service.
High School Equivalency Testing
High School Equivalency Certificate (HSEC) Preparation includes:
- Social Studies
- Science
- Language Arts, Reading
- Math
- Language Arts, Writing (including an essay component)
The initial assessment given to students is the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE), which indicates skills mastered and skills needing improvement. The complete battery of tests takes approximately four hours to complete.
The State of Wyoming requires 16 and 17 year olds to apply for an age waiver before they are authorized to take a HSE test. Refer to the Wyoming Community College Commissionsite for more information.
Info session:
Attendance at an info session is required for all students in each program. The info sessions provide students with general information about program requirements and testing. For more information, call 307-268-2230.